Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why I'm doing this course

I teach because I love working with young people. It's very rewarding to see them growing and acquiring knowledge in front of you. The development they make throughout the the school year, at the beginning and at the end. It's also great to see what a lot of them have accomplished by becoming lawyers, accountants etc and it's a good feeling to think that I contributed to that.  I teach because I would like to pass on my knowledge to the next generation and this way contribute to my country's progress, economically and socially.
This is why I'm  doing this course, because I believe that this course will give me new insights on teaching ICT and enable me to become a better teacher, which will result in better students and better colleagues, because my intention is to pass everything on what I have learnt to my colleagues and students.

Some students of Imeo-3