Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My Teaching Philosophy

I teach because I think that teaching contributes to equal opportunities for students. I believe that by teaching I make a difference. At the school where I teach there are students who come from very poor families. Some don’t own a personal computer, laptop etc. because they cannot afford it. 

By teaching them ICT they can keep up with the demands of modern society, where ICT plays such an important role.
I try to make the students work as a team as much as possible. It builds new friendships and I've noticed that teamwork strengthens the feeling of solidarity among them. 

As a teacher my role is to assist the students in their own development. I want to be an inspiring teacher. A teacher that inspires students to go the extra mile.  

I have a group of students who study tourism. When they have to write reports for certain subjects like sustainable tourism, planning and organization of events etc, I give them the chance and the help to write the reports by using ICT. This way I do not only teach ICT but try to integrate ICT in other subjects as well.

I like the quotes of Conficius a lot. And one of my favourite is " Tell me, and I will forget. Show me and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand.
I see this as a guideline in my teaching. Trying to involve my students as much possible. 

Last week I organized a competition in the Tourism class. The assignment was " to create a flyer for a carnival event which will be held at school in two weeks' time. The students were divided into groups. The winner would get a box of cake. 
The response was amazing. Each group created very original and beautiful flyers. 
Maybe the cake had something to do with it, but I don't think that that was the determining factor that the students were so ehthusiastic. I noticed how busy they were talking to eachother, putting their ideas on paper and using ICT for the final work.