Thursday, February 9, 2017

Module 14 : Adult Learning

(Group assignment)


- H. Simson
- P.Amat
- J. Van der Zijde
  R. Bergen
- B. Cotino 

Image result for ICT in the classroom


There are a lot of benefits of using technology in general but today I would like to discuss the benefits of using technology in the classroom.

I am a supporter of using ICT's in the classroom, because:
- in today's world, ICT is a part of everyday life. Students use it, teenagers love it and to keep them interested in the subject matter, they should be allowed to use technology during classes.

- Using ICT's in the classroom is more fun, for example you can let students do a lot of creative multimedia projects e.g. like using Toondoo to make a story around a certain theme e.g. poverty, letting students do interactive and dynamic presentations etc.

- Nowadays almost every student has a mobile phone. Teachers should make use of that, because now information is available at just a push of a button in contrast to my days where I had to go to the library to gather information about a certain subject. It is also a way to test the students' knowledge about a certain theme or sublect before a test e.g. socrative.

- Ofcourse one argument of teachers who don't want to use technology is, that students get easily distracted, but I believe that with the right coaching and monitoring of the teacher, that can be minimized. It is beyond of a doubt ofcourse that using technology in class rooms should have an educational purpose.

- What's also important for the students to get motivated is that the teachers must also be motivated, they must be willing to learn new things, because if they are not motivated, their behavour will also reflect upon their pupils.

- There are not a lot of  schools in Suriname that are seriously thinking about ICT in the education of the students, to implement ICT. I think that that should change because using ICT's in class in a responsilble way,  will certainly lead to the improvement and benefit of the students.


Peer lesson of Miguel Cramer

The lesson was a physics lesson, about length.

The lesson was clear, the voice loud enough and there was interaction. The personal guidance of Mr. Cramer of the students was good. The use of ICT's was good. He used google to answer questions of the students. He taught them how to go to the site. He asked questions and he encouraged the students.

He told the students at the beginning of the lesson, that they had already heard about the subject earlier, but it would be better to ask the students if they still remember the subject and what they still remember. All the ICT's which he had to work on, in order to save time, he could have done them before the beginning of the lesson.

But all in all it was a good performance.


My CAREER DEVELOPMENT you can read here

My Personal Development Plan

What is my current state?
What are my strengths?
1.       Communication skills
2.       Empathic
What are my weaknesses?
1.       Impatience
2.       Hesitant
What are the common feedbacks (positive & negative) that I received from others?
1.       I can motivate and inspire others
2.       I come up with very good ideas

1.       I have to slow down my phase
2.       I am pre-occupied
3.       Distracted
What other performance indicators can I notice?
Performance indicators:
1.       Team Player
2.       Efficiency
3.       Taking initiatives

Decision on priority focus areas derived from the above.
Focus area priority:
1.       Work on time management
2.       More confidence
3.       Result oriented
What is my desired state?
What do I hope to improve/achieve?
1.       Ambition: management
2.       Problem solver
3.       Good listener
4.       Improve learning and teaching methods

Why do I want it?
1.       For my own personal development
2.       Making a difference in students’ learning/education
3.       To keep me motivated and focused

How do I get there? What is needed?
What must I improve / learn/ experience to achieved that desired state?

What are the possible resources to learn/ experience/ improve?

1.       I need to make a planning, work out my time management program. Divide my time wisely between my family, my job and the training. Create a balance.
2.       Work on my self-confidence, be less pre-occupied with what others say.
3.       Keep myself motivated, focused and up to date. Learning new things, enlarging my teachers’ circle, visit educational sites like sites that are about teaching methods etc.

1.       A mentor with teaching experience and who uses ICT in the classroom.
2.       My colleagues, who can make me see teaching from a different perspective.
3.       The internet
4.       Social media
5.       The Ministry of Education who can for example organize trainings, workshops for teachers to keep them up to date and giving them tools to use with regard to teaching.

Timeline and Schedule
When do I want or need to achieve the desired state?

What is my schedule to work on these focus areas?
Monday - Friday:
7.00 – 13.00 : Teaching
13.00 – 14.30: Picking the kids op.
15.00 – 17.00: eating/resting
17.30 – 20.00: Kids/House/Schoolwork
20.30 – 22.10: entertainment (TV) etc.
23.00 : Sleeping

7 – 12.00: Teaching
12.30 – 15.00: schoolwork
15.30 – 20.00 : Bringing kids to sports training and staying with them.

8.00 – 11.00 : Sunday Market

Focus area:

Thursday and Friday:
18.00 – 21.00 : focusing on the ICT training, doing assignments


17.00 – 20.00: Doing assignments, visiting educational sites like Socrative to think about new ways of teaching.

Start date: Monday 13 February 2017
Short term goal:
-          To keep up to date with the ICT in Education program, so that the assignments do not get piled up.

Medium term goal: To get my certificate.

Long term goal: To be an innovator at the school where I teach, by helping my colleagues using ICT’s in their classroom too. By getting stakeholders interested to implement ICT's in the curriculum,

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