Monday, July 24, 2017

My own challenges and opportunities

If I think about the challenges in my personal life, I would say that combining my work, my family and the training course was a huge challenge. luckily I have some wonderful colleagues, friends and family. They have helped me to make it through. Also at the training course I have come to meet some wonderful people, and together with them I have made it this far.

Challenges at my workplace: At my school we are trying to do a lot of administration digitally, because at this moment a lot of administration like marks etc, is filled in manually and it can be strenuous. But not everybody is happy because some of them still do not see the benefit of using technology, so what we have to do, we have to convince these colleagues to use ICT.

At the course I would say that one of the challenges was to work in a group, sometimes a lot of problems occurred because they did not keep their promises if it came to working on the assignments etc. But it was also an opportunity for me with regard to my leadership skills, which was to be able to let the group work together through it all. So after the assignment was done, I felt satisfied that even though it was not always simple to work together, we still did it.

One of the projects I am particularly proud of is the project of module 17 with regard to one of the MDG's, in our case it was decent work and economic growth we did a project about teaching students how to write a business plan and in this way encouraging entrepreneurship.

We started from the bottom and the result was amazing.

Multiple Intelligences

The theory of multiple intelligences according to Dr. Howard Gardner is that determining intelligence based on IQ testing is very limited and he proposes eight intelligences to determine human potential in.

The challenges is to creat such an environment for the students with multiple intelligences in mind.
Not everyone learns the same way.

My Personal Info

Hi all,

My name is Peggy Amat.
I am a teacher at IMEAO-3, which is a business school at secondary senior level. I teach English as a foreign language and ICT. Beside teaching I am also part of the management team; I'm vice principal; I take care of the finances, I help to coordinate and create school policies etc. It is a very demanding but at the same time also very rewarding job.

I attended the Sint Theresa elementary school at Moengo. Moengo is a small town located in the east of Suriname. It was very important for the export of bauxite in those years. After that I went to the Abu Hanifa secondary school, which is a secondary school located in the city of Paramaribo; because of the Interior War I had to move to the city. Then I went to college (AMS) and finally the Teachers' Training College (IOL).

At present I am doing the ICT in Education training course, I'm in the third and final year. I wanted to take a new challenge after so many years of teaching ( I have teaching experience of more than 20 years), because after so many years of teaching you tend to get stuck at one place and doing the same stuff over and over again, year after year. Not that I am complaining, but I wanted to learn new things, I wanted to learn new ways or gain new insights on teaching, on how to make lessons more interesting, how to engage students more etc. And after three years of doing the training course I can say that it has met my expectations, of course there are some issues to be resolved, but all in all I have gained lots of knowledge and insights with regard to teaching in the 21st century, using ICT tools in the classroom, gaining insights on 21st century skills like collaboration, critical thinking etc.

I hope to receive my bachelor's degree at the end of August, so wish me luck :)

My teaching philosophy over the past three years.

Image result for 21 century skills

If I think about when I  started the ICT in Education course and now, three years later, I can say safely say that the course has taught me  a lot with regard to teaching, using ICT's in the classroom, using 21st century skills, approaching my students etc etc.

As for tools, I have started using certain kinds of tools like Toondoo, Popplet, YouTube etc in the classroom and I have noticed that the students performance is much better.

Also at school we are starting to use more and more ICT's among colleagues and and among students.
Nowadays sometimes students deliver assignments through email, something that was not imaginable some years ago.

I have started using collaboration, flipped classroom, problem solving etc in the classroom now, and seeing the results I'm also trying to persuade my colleagues to do that also.

I realize that by using 21st century skills, we can enhance the performance of the students.

Doing all the project in groups has made me better equipped to collaborate, communicate and to think critically.

Sunday, July 23, 2017

IBO Festival Suriname - BE Streaming 2016 (Science Fair)

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

Image may contain: one or more people and indoor

This was a festival held from Thursday 11 to Saturday 13th February 2016. It was a collaboration between the Ministry of Education and the Basic Education Improvement Program (BEIP).

The purpose of this festival was to make children at an early stage acquainted with scientific and technical education.
Students were given the opportunity to do different experiments related to science, technology, engineering, languages, arts and culture, and mathematics (STREAM).

The Coordinator of this project was Mr. Padhu and the students of the ICT in Education program assisted the children in carrying out the experiments.

It was a huge success and the intention is to keep give the festival a permanent status and to organize it nationwide.

Module 17: Project and Product.

The final product of module 17 was writing a lesson plan and taking all that we have learned in the past three years into account.

I decided to write a lesson plan for the fifth grade of the primary school about "waste".
And finally it became this:       FINAL PRODUCT  (Lesson Plan)

Beside the product we had to write a report about a project we did. And in contrast to the lesson plan, which had to be done individually, the final project was a group assignment.

The group consisted of the following persons:
- Afanaisa Gallant
- Harold Simson
- Peggy Amat

We chose the project we did in module 13, because this was a project we executed and felt very satisfied about. The project was about encouraging entrepreneurship among students. The reasons why we did it, the tools we used, the 21st century skills we applied etc, all of this can be read in the
final report of the project.

So this was the FINAL PROJECT

Module 16: PAR

During this module we had to do a Participative Action Research.

My research question was: Hoe kunnen de resultaten bij het onderdeel “Summary” (=samenvatting) voor het vak Engels verbeterd worden.”

- How can we improve the results of summary writing for English (as subject).

And this was the     FINAL RESULT

Module 10: Lesson Plan

In this module we had to write a lesson using 21st century skills.

This lesson plan was to be written according to a template which we received.

This is the     Lesson Plan Degrees of Comparison   which I submitted for Mr. Fred.

During the practical lessons at school, we also had to deliver some lesson plans. These lesson plans had to be executed during school hours in the classroom.
Before making a lesson plan we got some INSTRUCTIONS and the lesson plan had to be written on this TEMPLATE

My tutor was Mr. Andy Plak.

During this time I submitted Lesson plan Access

Before that I delivered this  Lesson Plan Samenvatting (Summary)

Module 12: System Thinking

At this module we had to do a group's work creating a video and a report about system thinking with regard to the 6 P's of sustainable development goals which are: Planet, Peace, Prosperity, People, Partnership and
Paramaribo became the sixth.

This was our VIDEO

This was our   REPORT

Module 13 : Educhange

In this module we had to collaborate with stakeholders to identify and address a local problem for which education can create a positive effect.

As SDG we choose " Decent Work and Economic Growth.
Our project was about teaching students of the economy stream of IMEAO-3 who are in their final year to write a business plan.

Our stakeholders were:

- The school (IMEAO-3)
- The students
- The Ministry of Education
- The Ministry of Trade and Industry
- The Chamber of Commerce.

The project was successful thanks to the effort of my group members and the different stakeholders.

You can see the whole  development of the process here

We also worked on this document.

Here are some impressions.

                         This was at the start of the project. Talking to one of the stakeholders.

                                   Student engagement

                            The students presenting what have been taught to them so far.

                              Last day of the project. Students getting their certificate.

ROLE PLAY Stakeholder engagement for buy-in.

During this module we also had to do a stakeholders' interview. The goal was to see an interaction between the stakeholders, using an interactive format of stakeholders' engagement, a round table discussion where you present your project in front of a small assembly of stakeholders.

Role play stakeholder engagement